Hormone Therapy

Women's Health Providers’ Trusted Compounding Resource!

We compound hormone replacement therapy for women and men. Hormones are essential for numerous systems including metabolism, reproduction, mood, growth and development, sexual function, and more. With aging comes the natural diminishment of our body’s production of hormones. As a result of hormone imbalance, patients may experience symptoms such as hot flashes, forgetfulness, anxiety, sleep disruption, low libido, and fatigue. Maintaining this balance is the goal of any type of hormone replacement therapy.


Customized Delivery Forms

We create bio-identical hormones in the following delivery forms that will increase compliance, reduce the stress of administration, and maximize the potential for therapeutic success:

Topical/Vaginal Gels & Creams
Transdermal Gels/Creams
Vaginal/Rectal Suppositories
Sublingual Drops
Topical Ointments & Sprays
Flavored Oral Suspensions
And many more unique preparations and novel delivery systems!


Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Compounds created for:

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Postpartum Depression
Menopause and Perimenopause
Female Sexual Dysfunction
Testosterone Deficiency
Chronic Fatigue
and others...


Safe and Legal

Our compounding pharmacy must comply with the regulations set forth by the State Board of Pharmacy. The State Board of Pharmacy sets and enforces regulations for compounding, just as it does for traditional pharmacy. The ingredients used by our pharmacy to make compounds come from FDA-registered and inspected facilities.